October is time for fun! I mean with Halloween, parties and costumes as a part of the month, how could it not be fun!
Celebrating the inner child
No matter what costume you choose to wear for Halloween it means you are celebrating your inner child. Even if our “job” is to take the little one’s out trick or treating, we are feeing our inner child. Isn’t that great! I love greeting the little one’s as they make their rounds house to house.
October is also fun because…
Ashtar and I are getting a jump on Halloween by hosting another Zoom session on October 25 from 6-9PM Pacific Time. This will be a “Guides and Guardians” session. Ashtar will bring a message to the group, then tell you which Guides and Guardians are with you right now. After that you will be able to ask a question of Ashtar. Any question at all. You bet, October is time for fun. Especially if you join us for this amazing session.
Joining in
If you would like to be part of the fun all you have to do is visit my website, Ladyashtar.com, go to the store where you will find the tab for “Guides and Guardians.” For only $50.00 you will be able to spend the evening basking in the love of the Ambassador of Love any question at all.
October is time for fun
Make this wonderful evening with Ashtar part of your fun for ’21! Just go to the Ladyashtar.com website. Click on the “store” and choose either the “Ashtar Guides and Guardians” tab if you are a regular visitor. But what we are honoring this month is bringing along a friend who has not spent time with Ashtar. We are offering a $10.00 discount if you bring along a new visitor to Ashtar. That discount is available under the “Welcome Session” tab. Click on that one and you get two seats for the session for only $90.00.
We are looking forward to seeing you
Join us Monday, October 25 from 6-9pm pacific time.
Many blessings of Universal love,