We have a secret to share with you, so shhh! Your opportunity to speak with Ashtar live on Zoom is coming around once again. We very much miss the in-person group sessions just as you do, on the other hand, using Zoom gives us the opportunity to interact with people from around the world who otherwise would not be able to attend an in-person session.
Now, here’s the secret: As a subscriber to Ladyashtar.com, you will receive a 10% discount when you sign up for our next Zoom session Sunday September 27 from 6-9PM Pacific Time. When you go to the Lady Ashtar store and pay for your session there will be a little “Coupon” button right near the payment options. Simply enter this code to receive your 10% discount; ALZ920. Now this is a secret code just for subscribers, so keep it to yourself! We will not be sending this code out again, so keep it safe!
As usual, the group is limited to 20 people so everyone can speak with Ashtar. We will be sending out the meeting code about September 20, so keep your eyes open for that!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂