Brian, Terrie, Megumi, Yuka
Today (Friday March 20 in Japan) my spring tour of Japan got underway in a most delightful manner.Studio Kara sent along one of it’s best Ashtar session coordinators, Megumi Kawai. My husband Brian was on hand to do the support and of course my dear friend and interpreter, Yuka Okawa Rinehart was on hand too. I kind of like this photo of all of us together, No social distancing here, but our masks are on!
I have made myself a promise to minimize discussion of the ongoing virus issues, and I will do my best. Still, our lives have been profoundly affected by what is going on. I will be making mention occasionally about what is going on here in Japan with the virus so that my friends around the world may realize just how everyone on the planet is experiencing many of the same disruptions of their lives.
Ashtar has reminded us for years that we live on one planet and we all have responsibility for her as well as each other. This is the time for us to come together, to step into our Star Seed roles to insure a brighter tomorrow as our beautiful planet ascends. We are not experiencing a set-back, we are experiencing an opportunity. This is YOUR time Star Seeds, how will you respond?
And of course life goes on! I am including some photos of my meals here, and a delightful day and night image of the same view from our hotel room in Hiro-o, just outside Tokyo. Many blessings of Universal Love, Terrie 🙂