First of all, I want to thank so many people for expressing their concern about my upcoming Spring Tour of Japan. As of this moment, YES, Ashtar and I will be traveling to Japan next week. We understand how easy it is to get caught up in the fear that is going around, but if you had the opportunity to view the video we posted earlier this week where Ashtar discusses the current virus you will understand we are taking all necessary precautions as we travel.
Of course getting ready to travel also included my annual visit to the Japanese Consulate in downtown Los Angeles. Brian and I took full advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the day and visit some new sights (well, new to us!). The day began with our traditional breakfast at the iconic Pantry restaurant, then over to the Bradbury building to enjoy the Elizabethan architecture. We also spent some time in the most amazing used book store: The Last Book Store. What fun that was with all the amazing decorations made from used books as well as the incredible selection of books and records. Our final adventure was the fabled “Angels Flight” railway at Bunker Hill. If I am preparing for an Ashtar Tour, taking a ride with the Angels seems only fitting!
No matter where you are located, please, use the simple precautions Ashtar describes in his Coronavirus videos that you can view on my YouTube channel.
Finally, take a moment to find something good in what is going on through these days.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂