Ashtar is the Ambassador of Love. Of course, he is also a spaceship commander as well as a loving, gentle and insightful teacher. In this video Ashtar reminds us to listen with our heart as we make decisions in our lives. It was recorded at a beautiful event in Pittsburg, PA in July when we visited for the day.
As a gentle reminder, we are holding the second Ashtar Appreciation Day on August 10. For one day only you can have a 50 minute private session with Ashtar, ask your questions, discover your guides and bask in His energy. Sessions are available in person, through video conference or on the telephone. We have only a couple more openings available, so don’t delay if you want to save 30% of the regular private session fee. Only $175.00! Contact me though, or contact Brian Graham at
As a gentle reminder, we are holding the second Ashtar Appreciation Day on August 10. For one day only you can have a 50 minute private session with Ashtar, ask your questions, discover your guides and bask in His energy. Sessions are available in person, through video conference or on the telephone. We have only a couple more openings available, so don’t delay if you want to save 30% of the regular private session fee. Only $175.00! Contact me though, or contact Brian Graham at
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂
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