Spiritual Principles are the latest addition to the Ashtar Intention Series.
Something different
As we begin to get comfortable writing 2024, Ashtar has come up with a new addition to augment his Intention Series. If you have been watching, you know that almost every one of the intention series includes a spiritual principle. The difference between what He has been doing and this new addition is that rather than making you look for the spiritual principle, he is highlighting them.
How many spiritual principles will he offer us? Your guess is as good as mine! Seriously, this new direction is refreshing to me. I look at them as actionable items. Something I might like to make notes on as we go along.
I hope you don’t mind
Yes, I know we posted an Intention Video on Monday, but I thought some context might be valuable as this month unfolds. I don’t want you to think Ashtar has gone off in a completely new direction. The Intention Series has been, and continues to be very important to Ashtar and myself. We will be continuing the series each week no matter if it is Spiritual Principle or an Intention with a Spiritual message.
This video is Ashtar explaining the Spiritual Principle series and why it is so important to our continued expansion.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,