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Rev.Dr.Terrie Symons
Spiritual Trance Channel Medium


The new year
The new year is almost here. Â Prepare to sparkle1 Get a glimpse into what is to come As we like to do, Ashtar will be giving the New Year...

Almost Christmas
It’s Almost Christmas!  Can you feel the excitement? The Christmas Spirit In that it is almost Christmas it might be a good time to think...
Prepare for the holidays
As you prepare for the holidays give love, give joy and most of all, offer compassion. It’s the holidays, what’s to worry? Yes, it is...

New Year Message
It’s that time of year again, time for Ashtar’s New Year Message ! Get a head start on 2023 Ashtar doesn’t tell fortunes.  There are...
This week Ashtar will speak about Gratitude .  Gratitude in Abundance.  Gratitude is so important no matter what you are pursuing.  It’s...
Abundance Intention
This week Ashtar’s talk is about your abundance intention.  This is the third intention for Octobers Abundance series.  Please do not...
Intention for the week
I certainly hope you enjoyed the intention for the week. Â This was the first of the Ashtar Intention series which will offer a new...

Ashtar Intention Series
The Ashtar Intention Series is now available! Each week in October we will be releasing a new installment in the Abundance series....

It’s been a busy summer!
Yes, it’s been a busy summer!  Somehow we are at the end of September already and I’m not sure where the months went. Ashtar and I have...

Ashtar Zoom
Happy February! Â Did you remember that this Sunday, February 27 we will be having another Ashtar Zoom? Â You still have time to join us....
The month of love
February, as Ashtar tells us, is the month of love.  A time when we consciously choose to find the love that binds us.  It’s also the...

New Year 2022
New Year 2022 is just around the corner, as hard as that is to believe. Â For the past few years it has been our pleasure to offer a New...

Listen to Ashtar
It really does pay to listen to Ashtar. Â When this Covid thing began he was telling us to take the usual Flu precautions; wash our hands,...

October is time for fun
October is time for fun! Â I mean with Halloween , parties and costumes as a part of the month, how could it not be fun! Celebrating the...
What did you miss?
What did you miss during the most recent Ashtar Zoom session?  Ashtar spoke about the Autumn Equinox  2021 and its effects and...

Ashtar Equinox Zoom session
This year has managed to fly by so quickly and here we are ready for the Ashtar Equinox Zoom session! Â The actual equinox is on...

Join us for an Ashtar Zoom!
A little while ago I invited you to join us for an Ashtar Zoom session but didn’t reveal the topic.  The time has come, dear friends, to...

The Ambassador of Love.
The Ambassador of Love is one of  Ashtar’s titles.  You may know him as Commander Ashtar, or Lord Ashtar but love is the reason he comes...

Thank you from Ashtar
, A great big thank you from Ashtar and myself! Â Our January Zoom session has booked to overflowing. Â As an ascended master, Ashtar...

Ashtar Guides and Guardians
Guides and Guardians is the topic for our first Zoom event of 2021 .  That’s right, with Ashtar as your guide this is your opportunity...
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