My heart hopes you enjoyed whatever you chose to do for the Thanksgiving holiday. No matter how you passed the day the most important thing was to take at least a moment to offer thanks for the people in your life, your health, and the opportunity to move into this next day. Gratitude is one of the topics Ashtar often speaks about as being so very powerful in our lives.
For myself, I am offering gratitude for an amazing day hosted by Dynavision, my sponsor for this portion of my tour of Japan. I got to spend November 28 as part of a huge gathering in Tokyo called “The Ashtar Festival.” Somewhere around 700 people joined us in a grand ballroom for the opportunity to hear Ashtar channeled through three different people. We even had a remote audience who watched on line. The sell-out audience got to enjoy hearing different aspects of Ashtar. Being an Ascended Master, Ashtar does make himself known to many people, in many ways. The full explanation of this can be found in my biography “The Lady Ashtar Story” available on Amazon.
I have included a photo of the audience before we went on Stage, and as a bonus, I have included a video from an Ashtar session I hope you enjoy.
I am so grateful for the many adventures that being Lady Ashtar continues to afford me, and I am grateful for you!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂