The suitcase is out, that means it must be time to travel again! That’s right, this weekend I am off to join my good friend and interpreter Yuka Okawa Rienhart in Thailand. Yuka san has invited a beautiful group of people from Japan to join us in Chiang Mai for a week of Spiritual Studies and Ashtar teachings. This will be my first visit to Thailand, and to say I am excited is an understatement. I am leaving the chilly temperatures of San Diego County, California for the steamy jungle environs of Northern Thailand. I guess I get a little summer in my winter. What a great deal that is!
I can’t wait to share some photos of our tour. I hope you will check back with us next week as I post the exotic images of this ancient culture and countryside.
When I return from Thailand the next adventure will be to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the first stop on the Ashtar Star Seed Tour. We will be working with The Collective Frequency February 8 and 9th. I will be sharing the details soon, but if you are in the Albuquerque area, put it on your calendar.
Our next stop will be in Honolulu, Hawaii March 1. I hope to see you on one of our stops this winter. Additional dates and locations are being added as we speak!
As always, Many Blessings of Universal Love, Terrie 🙂