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What are you worth?

Does that seem like a funny question? What am I worth? But for most of us we have based our worth upon what is in our pockets at the moment. You are worth so much more than what is in your pockets. You bring experience, know how and your own personal value everywhere you go. Why then do we shy away from the question of our own worth?

While we were in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the center called Awaken to Wellness, Ashtar made some really clear points about how to begin believing in your own worth. Yes, it may take a few tries, but if you follow his steps you will soon find yourself comfortable in asking for payment according to your worth, not your pocketbook.

I encourage you to watch this video several times, or as many times as you need, to recognize what your true worth is, and getting it!

Many Blessings of Universal Love

Terrie 🙂

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