Wisdom is far more than knowing stuff or having lived long enough to gain knowledge.
Spiritual Principles continue.
This month Ashtar has kept on track speaking about Spiritual Principles. We all use Spiritual Principles but when we understand what they are and how they work, we are far more powerful. This week Ashtar’s intention revolves around the Spiritual Principle of Wisdom.
You know those moments when you think of something so profound, so perfect for the situation? That is the Universe speaking directly to you. These messages come to us constantly. In fact, there is no time when we are not able to avail ourselves of Universal messages and guidance. The thing that gets in the way is we forget to listen!
An analogy
Picture yourself standing before an endless buffet table laden with every imaginable food. That is the bounty of the Universe. Everything is laid out just for you. Everything you like to eat is right there, all you have to do is accept the gift. But you stand there looking around to see if it’s alright to partake. In the end you walk away hungry. That is the way with the gifts of the Universe. You are already granted access to anything you wish. There are no qualifying steps. The fact you exist means this bounty is yours for the taking.
Too often we confuse knowledge, the collection of experiences, study, and observation, with Wisdom. Our knowledge can be littered with conditions: where we grew up, gender, training and our place in society. When we are tapping into Universal Wisdom there are no such conditions. We tap into understanding which is directly akin to the God view. That’s why, when we open our hearts and our minds, our inspirations are so profound. Inspiration: IN SPIRIT.
Messages of Universal Love
Wednesday, February 14 from 6-9pm Pacific time Ashtar and I invite you to join us for our first public event of 2024. Guides, Guardians and messages of Universal Love. You can attend in person at my Fallbrook home, or on-line from wherever you are. Either way each ticket is $50.00. What a wonderful Valentines gift for yourself and someone you love. Just click this link to visit my on-line store at Ladyashtar.com and secure your place. It’s been too long since we have seen you!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#wise #messages #minds #buffet #conditions #accept #hungry #littered #society #exist #good #eat #belief #TerrieSymons #Universe #Ladyashtarcom #gift #information #situations #training #perfect #UniversalWisdom #understanding #hearts #partake #ZeroPoint #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #week #guidance #granted #ValentinesDay #personal #listen #live #powerful #food #bounty #library #intentions #ability #forget #actions #knowledge #picture #SpiritualPrinciples #realm #God #observation #TranceChannel #inspiration #Wisdom #qualifying #profound #Godview #action #study #right #wish #UniversalLove #access #gender #imaginable