So many of the people who come to see Ashtar are dealing with the drama that is swirling around them. They want to know how to deal with this person, or deal with that situation. They are caught up in the drama of life. Sometimes there seems to be a never ending parade of neediness from the people around us.
Ashtar addressed this very issue recently in a group session we held in Ranch Bernardo, California. His advice is clear, concise, and may help you with what is going on in your life right now. Take a few minutes to watch and listen to this fantastic example of how Ashtar gets right to the point to help you.
Meanwhile, my tour of Japan continues. I just arrived in Osaka for a ten day series of events that will include both a level 2 and a level 3 Ashtar Realignment Program, private sessions, as well as a very special party to formally introduce the Ashtar bracelet at the beautiful Rihga Royal Hotel.
We are looking forward to a wonderful stay here!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂