My time in Tokyo with Dynavision continues to be simply amazing! On Tuesday (11/21) Keiko Anaguchi (owner of Dynavision and an amazing channel in her own right) and I did a combined event. I of course channeled Ashtar, and Keiko-San brought through some astounding ascended masters. As you might guess the energy in the room was beyond belief! When we completed our session, the photo that was taken tells a story all by itself. You can see my beloved interpreter Yuka Saraspea with Keiko-San and myself, but the amazing part is the brilliant white light that showed up between us. That’s one story.
The next story involves this delightful little street-side shrine dedicated to a god named Hayagriva, who has a human body and the head of a horse. One of the things I so dearly love about the Shrines I encounter in Japan is their inclusiveness, cutting across man made separation and honoring the presence of God in all forms.
Well, it’s time to head back to my beautiful clients now, but please know all I do, I do from love.
Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂