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Fukuoka it is!

After a delightful visit to the city of Osaka, where I will be doing a Shinto style wedding to Brian Graham on the 29th of this month, I headed back to the seaport city of Fukuoka. In Osaka one of my first events was about relationships. This seemed to strike a chord with many lovely people because we had almost forty beautiful attendees. Thank you so very much, Ashtar and I are honored you chose to attend and learn about Twin Rays. We both hope you will take this information to heart and expand your connections to others. This was also the first of three relationship focused events which will complete with a two and a half day workshop in Tokyo.

I will be working through Dynavision for the next two weeks, so if you want to attend a session with me, please check the events page on this web site for times, locations and dates.

The photo on this blog is one of the really inspiring sights in Osaka, the ancient Osaka Castle, as viewed from our salon.

Fukuoka photos will be coming soon, so watch for more blogs at

I look forward to seeing you at an event very soon, either here in Japan, or when I return to the US in July.

Blessings of Universal Love,


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