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Get inspired!

Because my friend and Interpreter, Yuka Okawa Reinhart, has such a creative mind, you can now get inspiration delivered right to your cell phone, tablet or computer!  Yuka san combines affirmations from Ashtar and images from our travels together into the most wonderful inspirational thoughts, just for you.  Almost everyday we post a new Ashtar affirmation on my new FaceBook business page Terrie Symons – Lady Ashtar as a gift to you, my friends.  All you have to do is like my page, then sit back and enjoy what Ashtar has for you.  

For the next few days I am doing a vertical commute at my hotel in Hiro-o, a suburb of Tokyo.  I leave my room, take the stairs down two flights, and there I am!  Can you say YA-TAH?  

I hope you enjoy a sample of the inspirations I am posting, and as always,

Blessing of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂

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