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Hello Osaka!

From now until December 12 I am happily working in Osaka. I have sent many photos of the sites here in this ancient city, there are so many beautiful things to see. I love the canals that sweep between the buildings, the vibrancy of the people and of course the wonderful memories I have of this town. Brian and I got married here just last June, and that is a treasured memory.

While I am here we will be dong lots of private sessions, a group session, and two workshops so there are a variety of settings for you to experience. Join us, won’t you? Contact for availability.

Before I left Fukui I met the most charming man in a museum, I thought I would share our photo together.

And please remember, if you are an Ashtar fan in America we have two amazing events coming along: December 30 in Fallbrook we will be doing the Ashtar’s New Year Bash, and in February you are invited to join us for Love, Ascension and Beyond in Sedona, Arizona. Details for both events are on the web site.

Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂

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