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It's not working

Maybe you have tried Reiki or another healing process and you did not get the relief you were expecting.  Perhaps you are an energy healer who is wondering why your client does not seem to be improving.  The question then becomes; is energy healing a fraud?  Am I a fraud as an energy healer?  Ashtar addressed this question recently at a wonderful group session, (the same kind of session you could be hosting by the way) and explained why the answer to both questions is no; energy healing is not a fraud, nor are you a fraud as an energy healer.  This video is a small section of a much longer session that will soon be available through the soon to launch Starseed Portal on  So sit back and watch as Ashtar explains some of the finer aspects of healing, both from the clients point of view and the healers point of view.

Many Blessings of Universal Love,


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