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It's Off to Japan!

Hello my loved ones, I want to extend a heart-felt thank you for my American family while I was back in the U.S from January through March. We had many exciting and memorable sessions during this time including two sessions at Hilltop Spiritual Center which had never before been experienced in America.

Of course there was my wedding to Reverend Doctor Brian Graham on March 11 which was sent out live on Facebook. In case you missed the ceremony and our first dance, you can still catch them on Facebook under Terrie Symons posts. The outpouring of love from both sides of the Pacific Ocean was truly amazing. I am so, so grateful. Many of my Japanese friends watched us get married live!

While we were on our Honeymoon in beautiful Sedona, Arizona my new husband Brian and I began making plans for a series of events in Sedona February 9, 10 and 11, 2018. We will be offering group sessions with Ashtar, private meditation with Ashtar, sound meditation, as well as some new offerings including “Meet Lady Ashtar” where the forthcoming book “The Lady Ashtar Story” will come to life as you ask questions of me about my life as a Trance Channel. Not to be overlooked is “Living Bear and Butterfly” based upon Brian Graham’s book “Bear and Butterfly.” We will be talking about relationships of all kinds. Mark your calendars for February 2018 in Sedona!

On the business side I am proud to announce my new husband, Brian, will be my partner in Lady Ashtar International. He will be arranging events for Ashtar and myself as well as posting news and updates on my travels on this web site and other places. If you want to create an event with Ashtar, Brian is your man. Contact him at

Our first stop in Japan will be in beautiful Osaka where Brian and I will get fitted for our Kimonos which we will be wearing for our June 29th Shinto wedding. If you are interested in attending our wedding please contact We are so looking forward to the spiritual experience of the Shinto traditions. We hope you will be able to join us!

You know, no matter what this world holds for you, love, and only love, is the answer to your questions. Spirit is holding us in it’s heart, wishing only the most wonderful experiences, the greatest prosperity, and expanding love. Allow yourself to melt into the loving embrace of Spirit as you go about your day.

I would like to share with you a meditation Ashtar gave during last nights session in Poway, California, perhaps you can find a place in your life for this insight; My authenticity is the balancing factor in all I do.

Blessings of Universal love, Terrie Symons

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