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Japan, here I come!

You know, the Universe has such a wonderful way of conspiring for our happiness and our highest and best good. Sometimes events seem to be out of control and heading in a direction you don’t want them to go, still, we are always being guided, protected and experiencing unlimited love. My original plans for travel hit a snag while I was on the way to the airport Friday, so it is Saturday and I am finally on my way. Once I processed the frustration of my change of plans, I was free to embrace the gifts this 24 hour delay provided. The reminder here has two messages: first, it is alright to feel frustrated, process the frustration, then move on. Secondly, whatever the Universe has in mind for me with this alteration, I know it is for a Divine reason I don’t have to fully understand.

Tuesday, March 27, my Tokyo sessions begin at Dynavision with 7 private sessions. My web site has all the upcoming events and locations, so if you have yet to arrange a session with Ashtar in Japan, this is a wonderful time to do so. The next three months are all yours Japan!

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