Taking care of others is wonderful, but don’t forget to nurture yourself as well.
The glass becomes empty
As we give to others we draw upon our own resources. But if we continue to give without refilling our own glass, what is there to give?
Some Puritanical part of our being may cry out, “That’s selfishness!” That to nurture ourselves is nothing more than self-indulgence. If you hear your inner voice saying these things, bless that voice, and do something for yourself. Those who have given themselves to the healing arts are especially prone to burn-out. They give offer their services, provide great advice and often work tirelessly. Sooner rather than later they will crash.
We crash simply because, at a certain point, there is nothing upon which to draw. The healer who has nothing to give is an empty vessel. Take time, nurture yourself. This doesn’t have to come at the expense of your family, friends or clients. Why not incorporate self-love into your practice?
This weeks Ashtar Intention
This week in his talk about nurturing ourselves and self-love. Ashtar offers some action steps to help you remain at your highest effectiveness as one who gives. I don’t want to spoil your viewing pleasure but I will say some of his ideas are yummy!
If you are new to the Ashtar Intention Series, this is Volume 8, which means we have been doing this for eight months. The last week of May is week four so this is Volume 8 #4. The entire Intention series is available through my You Tube channel, Lady Ashtar/Terrie Symons. I invite you to catch up on the entire series. If you are not new, you know that you can always go back and re-explore what Ashtar has shared. In watching this series, you have grown. New insights will be yours.
The wonderful thing about this series is that, yes, it does build upon itself. However it can be a wonderful tool for reviewing what you have learned and deepen your own growth.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#ourselves #vessel #services #heater #expense #nurture #chocolate #refilling #SelfLove #healingarts #world #clients #bless #crash #TerrieSymons #effectiveness #effective #insights #AscendedMaster #selfishness #indulgence #partnerships #others #work #tirelessly #massage #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #share #advice #yoga #friends #love #burnout #meditate #give #resources #AmbassadorofLove #time #spa #romance #benefit #TranceChannel #family #important #innervoice #practice