If you want to expand your Prosperity and Abundance, the quickest way is to recognize them in your life now.
Labor Day
As this blog posts we are celebrating Labor Day. Yes, this day is intended to recognize the contributions of workers everywhere. But what are they working for? Financial security, of course.
You may not labor in a factory or on a farm. In fact it is unlikely you do either! Still it is our financial security which is behind our labor. If we constantly complain we do not have enough money guess what– we never have enough money.
This is where recognizing our own prosperity and abundance comes in. If you have a home, be grateful. Drive a car? Be grateful. Do you have food on the table? So many people around the world do not. As we give gratitude for what we do have rather than focus on what we do not have, we actually open ourselves to even more.
Ashtar has done more than one Spiritual Principle and intention revolving around gratitude. I have heard it said that gratitude is the lubricant of the Universe. Gratitude is our way of focusing upon what we want. Anytime we focus upon what we want we invite the Universe to give us more of the same. Conversely, if we focus upon what we do not have, we invite the Universe to give us more of what we do not have.
Come visit with Ashtar – Saturday September 7 from 6-9PM
At the end of this week, Saturday September 7 from 6-9PM, you can join Ashtar as he answers your questions. This is the week He will be introducing his Venusian Cosmic Federation. Become a charter member and find out what he means.
You can join us in-person or on Zoom. Whatever works best for you. Each spot is $50.00. Just visit my on-line store at Ladyashtar.com and click on the one that works best for you. I just know it’s going to be a wonderful evening.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#working #people #LaborDay #worry #labor #recognize #world #contributions #celebrating #TerrieSymons #workers #complain #Universe #intention #SpiritualPrinciple #prosperity #lubricant #car #abundance #questions #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #home #factory #focus #member #food #focusing #love #moment #gratitude #money #life #financialsecurity #celebrate #enough #farm #TranceChannel #family #important #VenusianCosmicFederation #grateful