My final sessions with Dynavision for this tour were an indoor workshop then an excursion to Tamatsukuri Inari Shrine in Osaka. Some Shrines are massive and cover entire mountains. Some are what have been called “pocket Shrines.” Those are the Shrines that dot every city in Japan and occupy perhaps only a few square yards. In between are Shrines such as this one. Nestled within an acre or two of land they offer an escape from city life. While not grand in size, they make up for it with their deep spiritual atmosphere. I have been out shopping in huge department stores, come across a Shrine like this. It is like a breath of fresh air.
We had a fantastic group of thirty people with us for this excursion and had some amazing break-throughs during our visit.
Now I am in Tachikawa where Ashtar and I will be working with Beloved Salon. The groups here are always so wonderful, plus, from my hotel room I can see Mount Fuji!
Enjoy the photos, and know that Love is All There Is.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂