As you may recall, Ashtar and I have been working in Tokyo with Dynavision since the beginning of June. I just have to say thank you to all the delightful people who joined us during our Tokyo visit. The outpouring of love has been heartwarming every day.
And I also want to recognize some of the beautiful ladies who have been helping us bring light and love to Japan. My cover picture today is of the Tokyo Dynavision staff; Akemi san, (back) Yuka Okoawa Rienhart, myself, (back right) Aoi san , and Hiroko san. Their commitment to providing all our guests with the most amazing experience possible has been flawless. Thank you!
Pictured below is our hostess and owner of Dynavision, Keiko Anaguchi who has supported us in so many ways.
Ladies; thank you so very much for all you do. Because of your work our guests can open their hearts and receive the healings they seek.
After our final session in Tokyo Yuka and I boarded a Shinkansen for Nagoya for the weekend sessions. As the bullet train rocketed through the countryside we caught a glimpse of Mt. Fuji off to the east. A very auspicious beginning to our time in Nagoya.
After the weekend, look for Ashtar and myself in Osaka.
Just a reminder; the second annual Ashtar Appreciation Day will begin booking July 29. Special discount sessions with Ashtar will be held on August 10, so mark your calander to get in on the fun.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂