It is so hard to believe that just three days ago I was huddled away in my hotel room as a Typhoon blustered across Japan. Today the skies are blue and life has resumed its beautiful pace. If you don’t count the nearby International Airport that is closed and the people flooded out of their homes.
Osaka is a wonderful city to explore, and that is just what I got to do the past two days. One evening after sessions, my friends, Yukari san and Yuka san took me to a Requiem. No, I didn’t know what it was before I went either, but it turns out to be a magnificent blending of orchestra and voice. I think there were over 200 people on stage. I loved every moment of it. The next day, between meetings, the girls and I went to Cirque du Soleil. How many times have I heard about these shows but never took the time to allow myself to enjoy one. After this experience I will not let it happen again! As the old saying goes, “Woman does not live by work alone!.”
Once again I offer my prayers to those who have had such a difficult time with the extreme weather and earthquakes both here and in America. We have had plenty of both in Japan this summer. I pray for their protection and resilience. The human spirit is amazing.
Now it is off to Nara for a few days with Ms. Megumi Ueyama at Salon Ekobako. Sunday we will even do an excursion!
I have included some photos from the past few days; at Cirque, the Requiem with my friends, and as beautiful an evening photo as I have ever seen. This is Osaka at night. I hope you enjoy!
Blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie 🙂