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The Divine Heart

Writer's picture: Terrie Symons-GrahamTerrie Symons-Graham

It's February so that means Ashtar will be focusing on love, The Divine Heart. Ashtar is, after all, the Ambassador of Love.

I have to say I am very excited about this month's Spiritual Intention Series. If you are new here (welcome!) we have over 135 videos on You Tube where Ashtar speaks on a topic then gives you a Spiritual Intention based upon his talk. Now, that's a whole lot of guidance to think about. The nice thing is you can visit and revisit these talks and the Intentions anytime you choose. Just visit my You Tube channel to begin catching-up. Here is the link: @ladyashtarterriesymons5225. You can just copy and paste this link in the search bar and you are underway.

You know, love is not a static thing, it has countless variations. Some are on the surface and some we are completely unaware of as we go about our day. This week Ashtar will be discussing the Divine Heart. Later on this month He will be helping us understand more about this fascinating range of emotions.

Whether you already have that special someone or you are still looking it will be beneficial to understand as much as you can. Love is the predominate energy in the Universe. Love is all around us because we are the living expressions of God, The Universe. As we delve deeper into the mysticism surrounding love it will become clear that everything we do is connected to love on one level or another.

Romantic love, Familial love, Agape love, Brotherly love, sometimes this gets so confused. We all want that pitter-patter of romantic love in our lives but the emotional body is hungry for so much more. We are in no way lacking if as we approach February 14 we don't have romantic love. Never think that for a moment. I think that on a daily basis the hunger for romantic love and Agape love run pretty much neck and neck.

Agape Love is the love we feel for and from all those we encounter. It is the recognition that we are all perfect expressions of God, The Universe. When we live in Agape Love we actually invite ourselves to experience the joys of Romantic Love. Think about that for a moment, then watch Ashtar's video. I think you will be taking the first step to either finding romantic love or refreshing the romantic love you do have. Enjoy!

Many Blessings of Universal Love,


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