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Tokyo adventures

Yes, I am still in Tokyo.  One of the best things about being in one place for a while is that I don’t have to change hotel rooms.  You can imagine what it takes to move three months of clothes and personal supplies every three days or so.  Not that I am complaining!  I feel so blessed to be asked to be in so many places as I travel Japan, Thank you God!  Arigato Kamisama!?

I am sharing two photos today; one of the entrance to the salon run by the delightful Mani Yanai, and the other one is a piece of art in one of the train stations I have been using.  It is called “God’s hands holding us up.”  I was very taken by this sculpture and wanted to share it with you.

About the time you read this I will be doing an internet television show with Okuyama-san of Anemone magazine.  Very exciting to be working with such a close friend.

Soon it is off to Kunatachi to join the Yao family at Hatsuga Cafe with private sessions and a talk show too.

My time in Japan is growing short now, less than two weeks remaining of sessions during this tour.  I will return for a short visit in November and December.  If you have been thinking about talking to Ashtar, please don’t delay!  Contact Studio Kara, Beloved or Dynavision for when we will be available to you.

Blessings of Universal Love,

Terrie 🙂

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