What brings you Joy? Is it activities, people, locations, situations? Don’t worry, there is no wrong answer here, only right answers.
This month
As we have traveled together through September Ashtar has encouraged you to reflect upon your life and how you want it to be. He has reminded you that your life is a manifestation, a creation of your thinking. Now it’s time to put all these pieces together and bring in Joy. Why create a life that doesn’t do that?
As I have done my own work with Ashtar’s suggestions this month I came across something really fun. In listing the things that bring me happiness I would think my list was fairly complete then remembered something else that made me happy. I love that! It’s so much more life affirming than listing things that make me unhappy.
Time marches on
Summer is now in the rear view mirror. We are officially in Autumn. What makes you happy about Autumn? Is it the colors, the snap in the air, the celebrations which come one after another for the next three months? No matter what makes you smile this time of year it is important to remember to be fully present in each and every moment. As they say, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery.
As time marches onward visualize what you would like to see in your life and appreciate what you have already. If you did not live up to what it might have been as summer clicked on, forgive yourself, or at least come to terms with the fact that you cannot change what has happened, but you certainly can shape what comes.
Thank you
The Ashtar Intention Series is something Ashtar has been wanting to do for some time now. This episode, Volume 12, #4, marks the completion of one year of Intentions. I thank you for being part of this inaugural season. He won’t tell me what it is, but Ashtar has hinted he has something special he wants to do as we begin our second season of Intentions. I encourage you to visit my You Tube channel to review what we have done so far so that you will be prepared to step up to the next level.
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#locations #piecees #people #review #impressed #affirming #mystery #history #desires #wrong #remember #inaugural #happiness #dreams #TerrieSymons #present #activities #traveled #summer #cherished #expressive #completion #create #pleased #situations #AscendedMaster #YouTube #focused #smile #preparing #celebrations #2023 #creation #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #colors #joy #whishes #happy #focus #complete #appreciate #powerful #manifestation #love #moment #gratitude #hint #visualize #life #answer #deliberate #remembered #shape #September #unhappy #forgive #thinking #TranceChannel #terms #act #snap #reflect #months #Autumn #grateful