Saturday December 30 Ashtar and Lady Ashtar welcomed fifty beautiful people to the Hilltop Spiritual Center for Ashtar’s New Year Bash! It has been over three months since Ashtar has been available to offer his counsel and wisdom in the US, and his return was deeply welcomed. And of course, there was cake!
2018 is the year we will be stepping into our new realizations. Yes, there will be the usual variety of seismic events, political uproar and opportunities to distract ourselves from our work. The key, Ashtar told us, is to keep focused on the spiritual work we have to do. Ashtar reminded us to keep focused on our higher vibrations rather than sinking into our third dimensional thinking.
During the next few months we will be offering snippets of Ashtar’s talk in this blog, so watch for these wonderful insights right here at
May 2018 bring with it every wonderful dream you have.
Many blessings of Universal Love,
Terrie (and Brian :-))