To live in love with your family is the most precious gift imaginable.
The first Intention for December 2022
If you are like me the idea we have turned all the pages of the 2022 calendar is amazing. And so are the intentions Ashtar has offered for November. I hope you have been visiting with us throughout November and will continue through December and beyond.
December is a month marked by holidays. The number of holidays depends upon where you are from, your religious/spiritual background and even which television shows you watch. That’s one of the reasons many people choose to say “Happy Holidays” as the month unfolds. They are not being anti-Christmas, they are choosing to be as inclusive as possible.
This fits so well with Ashtar’s first intention for December; to live in kindness.
Showing kindness
If any month invites us to live in love, to show kindness, it is the month of December. Not only are holiday observances all around us, but December can be a melancholy month as well. From those who have lost loved ones to the homeless, seeing people celebrating all around them can be stressful. December is a month to give. To give kindness, consideration and most of all to live in love. I love that in this video Ashtar invites us to share random acts of kindness as we go about out days.
What the future brings
None of us has a clear picture of what the rest of December holds, let alone what 2023 offers. But there is a window through which we can peer, should we choose. That window is Ashtar’s annual New Year Message. The past couple of years we have done this exclusively via video, and it is one of the most popular videos of the year. Now that we have become more familiar with protocols we are offering something that has not been offered since the first New Year Message back in 2016; a live session. On December 28, 2022 you can join Ashtar LIVE here at my home in Fallbrook to hear him offer his New Year Message.
The Ashtar New Year Message event will be available live or through Zoom. As with our November Welcome Back session you have the choice of being part of the session, or view it at your convenience later on. Seats are available for only $50.00 at the store. The in-person tab gets you one of the places in my home while the Zoom option lets you view from anywhere around the world.
Ashtar and I hope you will join us either way to get a glimpse into what 2023 holds. Remember, live in love!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#feel #random #window #effort #kindness #loveIntention #stressful #remember #world #TerrieSymons #activities #inclusive #sorrow #AscendedMaster #consideration #smile #season #extraordinary #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #week #excitement #enthusiasm #live #holiday #loved #intentions #Zoom #acts #remembered #celebrate #time #hello #TranceChannel #December #day #sadness #amazing