The Spiritual Principle of Independence. With the 4th of July just around the corner what a perfect principle to examine.
More than a word
Independence is far more than word. It is an idea, or an ideal if you wish. You have free will at every turn. Our independence allows us to utilize that free will any way we choose. You have the power to say yes or no to any idea.
With that independence comes great responsibility. If we are living our lives consciously our choices become so much clearer. We are no longer reacting to situations, we are participating.
The American Holiday
Independence Day is very much like a Spiritual Principle in itself. Our Declaration of Independence set forth, in broad terms, a very clear call to live life in integrity. We are guaranteed the opportunity to pursue our happiness. Its powerful message is that we are all of the Creator. It does not define what God is but rather refers to a Universal God.
As you celebrate in your own way this Thursday think about what other Spiritual Principles are being expressed. Including the Spiritual Principle of Independence.
As promised
Earlier this week we released a fantastic video from Ashtar on You Tube. If you have not had the opportunity to check it out, here is the link to Becoming the Master:
Our next live Ashtar session
We will be meeting in Rancho Bernardo, California on July 20 for another live session with Ashtar. If you liked “Becoming the Master” you will love sitting with Ashtar for even more amazing thoughts. July 20 from 6:30-9:30. Tickets are only $50.00 and available in my on-line store. See you there!
Many Blessings of Universal Love,
#RanchoBernardo #powerresponsibility #July #manner #path #ideal #good #happiness #belief #TerrieSymons #Universe #idea #DeclarationofIndependence #examine #participants #SpiritualPrinciple #AscendedMaster #YouTube #focused #Choices #Ashtar #LadyAshtar #Creator #joy #personal #individual #live #powerful #UniversalGod #should #reacting #principal #thoughts #freewill #message #God #celebrate #utilize #consciously #guaranteed #TranceChannel #truth #light #word #pursue #integrity #right #free #Video #pushing